Show Theme: Big Picture Episode….1 Thessalonians
Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!"
Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3.….. What’s been cooking?
Segment #2 - Introduction to 1 Thess.
- Theme
- Keys
- Teachings
- Patterns
Segment #4 - Today's Anchoring Thoughts…Tyler King
1 Thessalonians Keyword List: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51fd7461e4b0f7c27ae9d912/t/5e8debf1b76d997118c1af1a/1586359281794/1Thessalonians_KeywordLists.pdf
Affirming The Faith, March 7-8, North MacArthur Church of Christ: www.affirmingthefaithok.com
Version: 20241125